Mock Election this week! 10/28-10/11/1/24 VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

Mock Election this week! 10/28-10/11/1/24 VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

The Social Studies Department in collaboration with Stuyvesant's Student Union is thrilled to announce the return of Stuyvesant's Mock Election.

This week, from today until Friday, Stuyvesant's student body is simulating the November 5th election in New York City with presidential tickets, the race for US Senate, six ballot initiatives, and a generic ballot for the United States House of Representatives and New York State Legislature. Vote here at this link. Please be sure to use your email when voting. Students, if you are confused about how to vote or who to vote for, a guide has been compiled for you.

Vote, vote, vote, Stuy! It's your future!