May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month!

May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month!

This month is Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month. The link shared has resources for reading material, videos and events and exhibitions highlighting the contributions and celebration of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. You may view the events and celebrations throughout New York City at this link. As Stuyvesant has similar events this month, we will be sharing and celebrating them in the weekly updates and on the Talos Blog.

We appreciate all in our community in the large group that comprises backgrounds from Southern and Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Western Asia, the Indian subcontinent and the Pacific Islands. Each has its own unique culture, language and history. Yo-Yo Ma said, “When you learn something from people, or from a culture, you accept it as a gift, and it is your lifelong commitment to preserve it and build on it.” Our community brings us many opportunities to act on those words, especially in being allies in combatting Asian Hate and violence that they have experienced with the rise in bigoted attacks during this pandemic.