Juniors: Fill out your Surveys in Naviance!

Juniors: Fill out your Surveys in Naviance!

JUNIORS: As we approach the holidays and, believe it or not, the College Office wishes to bring to your attention two important surveys in Naviance you will need to complete this winter in order to be ready for your eventual meeting with your Stuy college counselor.

The SSR Survey: this is a lengthy survey that will be used by your school counselor (guidance counselor) to help conduct your SSR meeting and to provide essential background information for your counselor recommendation letter for college.  Also, your college counselor will read your SSR survey in advance of your meeting so that we are prepared to provide you with more specific guidance. This survey must be completed in advance of your SSR meeting AND your college planning meeting.

The College Planning Survey: this is a shorter survey that helps your assigned college counselor get a better sense of your college preferences so far.  It is okay if you are uncertain or confused, or, if your preferences change in the coming months.  This survey is just a starting point. The College Planning Survey must be completed in advance of your meeting with your assigned college counselor.

We suggest having BOTH surveys complete by the end of January.

You’ll find the surveys in your student Naviance accounts (NOT parent accounts) in the “About Me” tab under “Surveys from your school”. 

You do not need to complete either survey in one sitting.  Just make sure to save as you go along until you are finished.