JUNIORS: College Planning Tips for Summer

JUNIORS: College Planning Tips for Summer

Congratulations on getting through your junior year!  We do hope that you take some time to rest, relax, and have some fun this summer.  That’s important. 

You also want to make sure you continue with your college planning so that you can hit the ground running in September.  Here is a quick review of what you should work on over the course of the summer:

-review the College Planning Checklists for grades 11 and summer before senior year in the Document Resources section of your Naviance account

-did you request two teacher recs?  If not, do so asap before summer! Review the Stuy Teacher Request Guidelines available in the Document Resources section of your Naviance account.  Otherwise this will need to be your first order of business when Stuy reopens in September.

-Identify potential colleges that fit your search criteria (size, location, major availability, selectivity, etc.) by using the search tools in Naviance, or CollegeBoard.

-directly engage with colleges of interest, including those recommended to you by your college counselor in your “Colleges I’m Thinking About” list in Naviance.  Attend in-person campus tours and information sessions, or virtually engage in info sessions, virtual tours, online chats with admissions counselors or students, etc. And make sure to include target (possible) and likely/safety colleges in your research.

-if you’re taking the ACT or SAT, register for the exam and prepare

-read the emails sent to you in June by the College Office about the college essay and college interviews; check out those resources and follow the recommendations within. 

Getting some good work done over the summer will help you feel a lot more prepared for the fall, and will make for a more enjoyable senior year.