Join new Connect Groups with the Counseling Department!

Join new Connect Groups with the Counseling Department!

We are so excited to introduce the start of Connect Groups! The Counseling Department will be hosting Connect Groups with the goal of helping students foster friendships and peer support, develop coping skills to manage life's challenges, and engage in self-care. We will be starting with "Connect and Destress," Cope with Crochet," and "Connect and Create." Our Connect Groups are an excellent way to be in community with other Stuyvesant students. Connect groups will be led by Counseling staff and interns, who are invested in creating a safe space for all students to express themselves. "Connect and Destress" and "Connect and Create" are closed groups, running from mid December to February, which means that you will be with the same group members for the entirety of this time. "Cope with Crochet" will be an open and on-going group throughout the school year. 

See group flyers for perusal at the links. If you are even the slightest bit curious, please fill out the interest form linked below by 12/02/2022!

Connect and Destress:

Explore, develop and apply coping skills to manage stress, while making friends and building your support network. Sign up here:

Connect and Create:

Engage in group activities that promote creative energy, allow space for expressing ideas and emotions, and practice self-care. Previous artistic ability or experience is not needed, only a willingness and an open mind. https://forms. Sign up here: gle/i45zcE7LxLq52Jun7

Cope with Crochet:

Learn the basics of crochet, practice mindfulness, and destress with your peers. Sign up here: