Information on Coronavirus Updated February 26, 2020. 英文和中文

Information on Coronavirus Updated February 26, 2020. 英文和中文

 Updates on coronavirus DoH & DoE

The Department of Education and Department of Health released information on coronavirus on February 26. The following letter was sent to students, parents and staff:

On behalf of Principal Contreras, please read the information below provided to principals today from the Department of Education’s Chief Operating Officer:
This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discussed possible options for what could happen if there is local person-to-person transmission of the novel coronavirus in the United States, including recommendations for school systems to consider.
At this time, itis important to listen to facts and not respond to fear. Currently, there are no confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in New York City and the risk to New Yorkers remains low.
However, transmission of the virus in other countries has raised our level of concern, and we are preparing for the possibility of person-to-person transmission in New York City. The measures that are put in place should local person-to-person transmissions begin will depend on the number of individuals affected and the general severity of illness we experience in our city. Our public health experts are vigilantly preparing for a spectrum of possible scenarios, and we are in close contact with them regarding how that may impact our school communities. There are no plans to close schools at this time.
This is an extreme measure that can be disruptive to day to day life, and the decision to implement will be at the direction of public health experts.
All students and staff should continue to practice general flu prevention measures including:
·        Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or sleeve
·        Wash your hands regularly
·        Avoid touching your face
·        Avoid close contact with people who are sick
·        Get your flu shot – its never too late
·        Stay home if youre feeling sick.  Call your doctor and let them know your symptoms, travel history, and if you’ve had contact with people who are sick.
Please also read this link to Coronavirus FAQs for helpful information regarding common questions about
the coronavirus Translated versions of the letter will be made available shortly on the DOE’s website and will be sent out.
For more information and regular updates, visit the Health Department’s website. For questions, contact your school nurse or



You can read the letter from February 6 in English, Chinese, Bengali and Korean. You can also read Mr. Contreras’ letter from January 28th in English and Chinese as well.

Key points to remember are to:

  • If not already vaccinated — get your flu shot.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when sneezing or coughing.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water often — use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
  • Stay home if you have a fever or are feeling sick.

Hand sanitizer stations have been placed at entry points and in the cafeteria. We will continue to update the Stuyvesant Community should more information become available.



僅代表 Contreras校長, 請大家閱讀今天由教育部首席執行官提供給校長的以下信息:

本周,疾病控制與預防中心討論了在美國如果本地人傳人新型冠狀病毒的情況下可能發生的選擇,包括供學校系統考慮的建議。目前, 重要的是關注事實而不是恐慌。最近,在紐約市還沒有新型冠狀病毒確診病例,因此對紐約人的風險仍然很低。

            然而, 該病毒在其他國家/地區的傳播引起了我們的關注,我們正在為紐約市人與人之間傳播的可能性做準備。當地人傳人之間的傳播開始采取的措施將取決于受影響的人數和我們在城市中所經歷疾病的一般嚴重程度。我們的公共衛生專家正在為各種可能的情況保持警惕,我們與他們保持密切聯系,探討會對我們的學校社區有什么樣的影響。目前沒有還沒有關校停課的計劃。



  • 咳嗽或打噴嚏的時候請用紙巾或衣袖遮蓋您的口鼻;
  • 經常洗手;
  • 不要摸臉;
  • 避免和病人親密接觸;
  • 接種流感疫苗 – 任何時候去打疫苗都不會太晚
  • 如果您生病了請呆在家中。打電話告知您的家庭醫生并讓他們知道您的病癥,旅游史,如果您和病人接觸過也請告知醫生。

請閱讀該鏈接中有關冠狀病毒的常見問題解答Coronavirus FAQs 獲取有幫助的信息。

信件的不同語種版本也會很快會在教育局網站DOE’s website上得到并會發送給大家。如果想獲取更多信息和及時更新動態,請訪問衛生局的網站 Health Department’s website. 如果有問題,請聯系您學校的護士或健康指導員(BCO) health director.

您可以閱讀2月6日發布的信件,有多個語種版本包括英文 English, 中文 Chinese, 孟加拉語 Bengali 和韓語Korean. 您也可以閱讀Contreras先生在1月28日發布的信件,有英語 English 和中文Chinese .
