How to Obtain ACT/SAT Fee Waivers

How to Obtain ACT/SAT Fee Waivers

The start of a new term is a good time to review our policies regarding the distribution of fee waivers for the ACT & SAT exams and how to request transcripts for enrichment programs, internships, summer programs, scholarships, etc.

ACT/SAT Fee Waivers

Who is eligible?  All financially disadvantaged students are eligible for fee waivers for these exams.  Each family must complete an income verification form each school year to determine eligibility. Eligible meal codes are A, 1 and 2.  Only 11th and 12th graders can use fee waivers for the ACT or SAT exams.

How many times can an eligible student use a fee waiver for these exams?  In their lifetime, eligible students can use a fee waiver to register for the ACT twice, and the SAT twice. Fee waivers are considered to be used upon registration, not actually taking the exam; registering for an exam with a waiver but then not taking said exam still counts toward the limit on fee waiver use.

Does the March School Day SAT for juniors at Stuy count toward my fee waiver limit?  No, it does not.

How may one obtain an exam fee waiver?  Eligible students request a fee waiver by emailing our College Office secretary, Ms. DeMasi.  INCLUDE THE STUDENT'S NAME, OSIS NUMBER AND OFFICIAL CLASS IN THE EMAIL.

Please know that if you have ever registered for the SAT fee waiver, you do NOT need to request an additional waiver from the College Office to register for future SAT exams.  CollegeBoard will have a record that you are eligible for fee waivers and will automatically allow you to test for free when registering until you have met your limit.

Please visit the following links if you'd like more information about ACT/SAT fee waiver policies: