Hispanic Heritage Event: Attend an Educational Film Event at City College on 9/19/2022

Hispanic Heritage Event: Attend an Educational Film Event at City College on 9/19/2022

The Loire Valley Theater Inc, as well as Harlem Heritage Now invites students to an Educational Film event!.

On September 19, 2022, we are showing Turning 15 on the Road To Freedom at City College New York, at 7:00pm! Turning 15 on the Road To Freedom is a groundbreaking musical theater experience combined with an expansive education program that celebrates and amplifies the true story of Lynda Blackmon Lowery, the youngest Black teen who fought for justice and equality alongside Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, John Lewis, Ameila Boynton and others during the Voting Rights Movement in 1965. It is a co-production of Loire Valley Theater Festival and New Heritage Theatre Group, Harlem's oldest nonprofit Black Theatre company.

Here is the Eventbrite link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/turning-15-on-the-road-to-freedom-tickets-416406502057