Health & Safety Reminders for January return to school

Health & Safety Reminders for January return to school

On Sunday, January 2, 2022, Principal Yu sent reminders for students returning from Winter Break on January 3, 2022. Please remember we all can do our part with these simple reminders on health & safety:

  • If you do not feel well, please do NOT come to school. It will be an excused absence if a note is provided to the attendance office. If you have a positive result from a lab-based test (PCR or Rapid) or at home kit, please contact us so we can advise on next steps.
  • Wear masks at all times (except when eating and drinking) when in the building (NOTE: We encourage you to use free periods and lunch to go outside when you need a mask break and/or when you eat). 
  • Avoid hugging, hand holding, and physical contact in the hallways and open spaces.
  • Maintain 3 ft. social distancing in hallways and open spaces where possible--minimize clustering indoors with other students.
  • Sanitize hands regularly by washing and/or using hand sanitizer.
  • Follow quarantine protocols when required.
  • Consider vaccinations and flu shots.

You can read more about the updated health and safety protocols from the DOE in Mr. Yu's Update on January 1 and the Chancellor's letter on the document hub on Talos.