Grab-and-go Meals available in every borough - Check this list!

Grab-and-go Meals available in every borough - Check this list!

Grab-and-go meals are available at 450 Grab-and-Go sites from 7:30am to 1:30pm. As of this week, kosher meals have been available for students and adults in Brooklyn and Queens. All 400+ locations will serve continue to serve Halal meals. The distribution of halal meals has been increased to 32 sites throughout the city as Ramadan begins.

Families can pick up breakfast, lunch and dinner at once, and no identification or registration is required. Families can find a meal hub location online or by calling 877-877 FOOD. Parents can pick up meals for all of their children at any site. There will also be supplies and materials available at these sites for those who need them. You can find the site nearest you at or use the address look up by clicking this link. A full listing of sites is on the Stuy Blog at this site.