Freshman Social Studies classes host guest Dr. Jennifer Raff of the University of Kansas over Zoom

Freshman Social Studies classes host guest Dr. Jennifer Raff of the University of Kansas over Zoom

Assistant Principal, Ms. Jennifer Suri shares that the social studies department hosted and organized a successful Zoom visit from Dr. Jennifer Raff of the University of Kansas. Dr. Raff specializes in Genetics, Genomics and ancient DNA. She spoke about the recent finds in New Mexico that overturn the previously accepted date for the peopling of the Americas! She spoke for about 40 minutes and answered students amazing questions for about another 30 minutes. It was a great success. The students in Ms. Compton and Ms. Garica's grade 9 classes attended along with Ms. Dunkel's who arranged the logistics. All three teachers have created a unit on Early Humans and worked together to help make this happen. (photos provided by Ms. Dunkel)