Eco-Fact of the Week - Week of March 22, 2021

Eco-Fact of the Week - Week of March 22, 2021

It’s well known that plastic consumption, especially bottles, is one of the largest environmental problems we have today. In fact, “the production and incineration of plastic will add more than 850 million metric tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere”. Obviously, the easiest way to cut down would be to get a reusable bottle. But then what to do with plastic previously used? This is where Ecobricks play a big role. Ecobricks are PET (polyethylene terephthalate— the typical plastic bottle) bottles filled with clean, dry used plastic. Not only do they greatly reduce the amount of loose plastic waste, they are used to become stable components of structures like furniture, planters, and even buildings. Instead of wasting resources, Ecobricks provide a way to utilize already used plastic that otherwise would’ve been either degraded into micro-plastics or incinerated and reprocessed, releasing CO2. It keeps plastic out of the environment and into beneficial constructions. Help to preserve our resources and properly sort your trash!