Eco-Fact of the Week - Week of December 7, 2020

Eco-Fact of the Week - Week of December 7, 2020

Microplastics, plastics that are less than ⅕ inches in diameter are ubiquitous, especially in the marine world. The ocean is estimated to have received 8.8 million tons of plastic debris annually, and of that, 276,000 tons are swimming around, while the rest sink or is washed up to the shore. Further, the common act of ingestion of these microplastics by marine animals are then ingested by humans. Mussels and oysters, which research has found, had 0.36-0.47 particles of microplastic per gram!

69%-81% of microplastics in the oceans are from the disintegration of larger plastic items such as plastic bags, bottles or packaging; simply avoid using these items or reuse them to reduce the amount present in our environment.

Help to preserve our resources and properly sort your trash!