Eco Fact of the week 1-3 through 1-10-2020

Eco Fact of the week 1-3 through 1-10-2020

The Environmental Club presents Eco Facts of the week for the weeks ending 1/3 and 1/10:

Scientists estimate that when 2030 comes, there will be more plastic waste in the ocean than fish. More than a million seabirds and 100,000 marine animals are killed because of this toxic plastic waste. Remembering to bring reusable bags when going shopping is a great way to reduce these harmful impacts. Help to preserve our resources and properly sort your trash!


When food decomposes in a landfill, it releases the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane. A study performed in California, Washington, and Oregon showed that composting and recycling programs in these states helped reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the point that it was equivalent to removing 6.3 million vehicles from the road per year! Help to preserve our resources and properly sort your trash!