Dr, Greenwald speaks at the American Library in Paris on October 16, 2019

Dr, Greenwald speaks at the American Library in Paris on October 16, 2019

Dr. Lisa Greenwald will be speaking at the American Library in Paris, France on October 16th at “Evenings with An Author”. Dr. Greenwald “will talk about her new book Daughters of 1968, which recounts the story of French feminism between 1944 and 1981, a time when feminism played a central political role in the history of France, changing social and political norms and laws governing marriage, abortion and the workplace. The May 1968 Events gave birth to a powerful political movement that splintered over the role of gender and activism. This theoretical debate was not just academic. It manifested itself in battles among women and organizations, on the streets and in the courts.

Lisa Greenwald spent a decade working in and researching the women’s movement in France, supported by an Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship and grants from the French government.” Congratulations to Dr. Greenwald!