CPAC Meeting - December 14, 2023 @9:30am

CPAC Meeting - December 14, 2023 @9:30am

Join as an observer.  All are welcomed!
The meeting will be livestreamed on CPAC's YouTube channel 
CPAC NYC - YouTube
For the purposes of voting on any CPAC business, only the voting members/designee of your district who is eligible to vote shall be seated at the table and/or virtually on Zoom.

December's Theme: Happy Holidays & the Joy of Supporting Each Other and Our Scholars through Good Cheer & Fundraising!

09:30 - Roll Call
09:35 - CPAC Business & Updates
Tentative Agenda 
DC Quintana with Special Education Updates
Chief Mark Rampersant with Safety Updates
Fundraising Ideas - Randi Garay, Adriana Alicea, and Rebecca Staley
The Harlem MagicMasters International - Karen Miller
FACE Updates
Settle's Not So Secret Gems - Finances Cont'd & Fundraising
NYCPS Chancellor David C. Banks