COVID Test Kit Distribution & Letter to Families 11-23-2022

COVID Test Kit Distribution & Letter to Families 11-23-2022

As the Thanksgiving Recess nears, the DOE encourages all students and staff to get tested for COVID-19 before returning to school on November 28, regardless of vaccination status, and especially if they plan to travel and/or attend large gatherings during the break. Staff and students can take a PCR, lab-based test, or a home test.

Schools will distribute an additional two tests to all students and staff in advance of the Thanksgiving recess, along with this letter to families.  Stuyvesant will distribute kits on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 as students enter the bridge.

Additionally, with winter approaching and cases of respiratory illness such as flu and RSV on the rise, DOHMH continues their encouragement to get the flu vaccine, mask-wearing while indoors, regular hand washing, etc. Please check this fight the flu flyer, which includes more ways for families to be healthy in the coming months. Note that the flu vaccine can be safely received at the same time as all other vaccines, including the one for COVID-19. As a reminder and in accordance with the existing School Health Policy, masks are also required for staff and students when:  

  • Entering the school medical room, nurse’s office, or school-based health center.  
  • Returning to school on the sixth day after testing positive for COVID-19, through day 10 after symptom onset or date of a positive test, whichever is earlier, including when traveling on a school bus. (Masks may be removed during this period if the person has received two negative rapid tests 48 hours apart.)  
  • Exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 at school.