Congratulations to Milan Haiman, Kimmy Sun and Rishabh Das - gong to the Math Olympiad Program!

Congratulations to Milan Haiman, Kimmy Sun and Rishabh Das - gong to the Math Olympiad Program!

Assistant Principal, Mr. Eric Smith shares the Mathematical Olympiad Program (abbreviated MOP) is a 3-week intensive problem solving camp held at the Carnegie Mellon University to help high school students prepare for math Olympiads, especially the International Mathematical Olympiad. While the program is free to participants, invitations are limited to the top finishers on the USAMO(United State of America Mathematical Olympiad). This year, Stuyvesant has three students who were among the approximately 75 students selected nationwide to attend. Congratulations to Milan Haiman, Yihang (Kimmy) Sun, and Rishabh Das for this incredible honor!


On June 3rd, Senior, Milan Haiman and Freshman, Rishabh Das traveled to Washington D.C. with math team coach, Mr. Stan Kats, for a ceremony at the U.S. Department of State. Milan was honored as one of 12 USAMO winners nationwide, and Rishabh was one of the 12 USAJMO winners.  The winners were selected based on their performance on the AMC, AIME, and USAMO competitions administered over the course of the year. Stuyvesant was one of only three high schools in the country to have multiple winners. A very special congratulations to Milan, Rishabh, and the math team coaches for such an astonishing achievement.