Congratulations to SophFrosh SING! on their historic win!

Congratulations to SophFrosh SING! on their historic win!

The student union shares that over the past six weeks, hundreds of SING! participants have put an incredible amount of work and passion into creating the three amazing performances this past weekend. Congratulations to everyone who poured their hearts and souls into putting this year’s SING! Together. Congrats to SophFrosh SING! On their historical win – 1st time in Stuyvesant history!

The final results for this theatrical, judged 3-day annual competition are:

SophFrosh: 1651

Junior: 1473

Senior: 1508

In all of Stuy’s SING! history, this is the first time that SophFrosh has ever won. Congratulations to SophFrosh SING! Click here to see the detailed scorecard.

For those who do not know what SING! is – SING! Is an intergrade competition between the grades. Each team has one month to create its own original musical. All aspects of SING! Are student produced, from the dancing and acting to the script, scenes and costumes. Coordinators, producers, directors, performers and crews organize and produce each grade’s vision. After long hours, weekends and rehearsing after school, they perform live for sold out audiences and a judging panel of Stuyvesant alumni for three days. The scorecards are tallied up after the final performance on Saturday to determine a winner based on a scale of 1-10 in the categories of Overall Impression; Script/Lyrics; Acting; Dance; Band/Orchestra; Vocal/Musical Elements; Sets/Props; Lights/Sound/Special Effects and Costume/Makeup.

Until a full recording is available, along with the traditional Spectator review issue, enjoy this folder of video clips and photos.