Congratulations to Newly Elected PA & SLT Officers 2024-2025!

Congratulations to Newly Elected PA & SLT Officers 2024-2025!

Welcome to our newest PA and SLT officers!

The final results of the September 12th elections are in! Thank you to all the candidates and participants of this important event – we are lucky to have such an engaged and talented community. Please welcome the following members to the Stuyvesant PA Executive Board: 

Senior Member At Large (MAL):

Svetlana Mouleeva

Junior MAL:

Qing Liu

Sophomore MAL:

Arina Aristova  

Karin Sloan 

Hans Stohrer 

Freshman MAL:

Yao Chen

Eva Lai

Chao (Sarena) Shen

Lara Turcik

Robin Zhang

Freshman SLT (School Leadership Team) Representative:

Tina (Tingi) Li

Freshman SLT Alternate:

Yael Swica

For a listing of all 2023-2024 Board and SLT members, visit