Congrats to #StuyReads 'Threesie Peasy' Challenge Finishers!

Congrats to #StuyReads 'Threesie Peasy' Challenge Finishers!

The Stuyvesant Library shares congratulations to the #StuyReads ‘Threesie Peasy’ Challenge Finishers: Andy Ye, Jennifer Ye, Ryan Chen, Sophia Young, Aditya Anand, Vanna Lei, Vansh Saboo, Mia Shi, Natalia Zheng, Phoebe Young, Risa Aarlev, Stacey Chen, Peggy Lin, Maisha Thakur, & Albert Chen! Bravo!

The students had to read a book from each of the three challenge categories by January 15, 2023:

A book in translation

An Alternate history book

A non-fiction graphic novel