Congrats to Stuybigcompgroup! Headed to NY State Finals!

Congrats to Stuybigcompgroup! Headed to NY State Finals!

Math teacher, Mr. David Peng had three groups of students participate in the New York National Personal Finance Challenge. The competition consists of an online assessment on various personal finance topics that are taught in a typical personal finance course. One of our teams, Stuybigcompgroup, scored high enough to qualify to compete in the state finals. Congrats to the team!

Zhihan Yao

Christopher Louie

Otto Buff

Daniel Gabai

This is the first year that Stuyvesant qualified for the state finals. This is also Mr. Peng's second year hosting this competition—last year, our top team came in fifth.

Mr. Peng and the team plan to attend state finals at the NY Federal Reserve Bank on April 1st. We're cheering them on!