Congrats to Stuy Robotics!

Congrats to Stuy Robotics!

Congratulations to our robotics team, StuyPulse 694 , for competing and placing as semifinalists at the South Florida regional this past weekend! They also won the Gracious Professionalism award for assisting other teams during the competition! Our team was the 7th seed and formed the 6th alliance alongside Team 59 @ramtech59 and Team 6300 @northwoodrobotics and finished as semifinalists.

Stuyvesant’s FTC Robotics teams 310 Stuy Fission and 479 Stuy Fusion competed this Sunday at the NYC Championships. 479 received the Promote Award and were the Finalist Captain. 310 was the winning team’s first pick and will go to World championship in Houston in April! Also, special congratulations to 310’s Flint Mueller, who was announced as a Dean’s List Finalist

Congrats as well to Rohan Sen and Philip Levinsky from Stuy who also compete for a team in the Forest Hills Robotics League and are also headed to the Robotics World Championship in Texas April 17-20.  Four teams from NYC are heading to the World Championship.  Two teams from Forest Hills Robotics League, a team from Avenues HS and of course, Stuyvesant!

See a full size collage here