Congrats to Stuy Proteomics Club! Finalist in Future Protein Engineers - VOTE!

Congrats to Stuy Proteomics Club! Finalist in Future Protein Engineers - VOTE!

Dr. Meng Ping Tu shares that our Stuy Proteomics Club entered a contest sponsored by "Future Protein Engineers" and is one of the top 5 finalists in two categories!  We are waiting for the final votes. They are so talented!

Team #1 - Age 13-15 : Infograph - Beta secretase

Team #2 - Age 16+ videos - PKM2
Following is the link ( to see their work. If you'd like to support them, you could use the same link to vote. 

Vote - Future Protein Engineers | Codexis
The finalists for the Future Protein Engineers Contest combined creativity and their scientific learning to create their ideal engineered enzymes to solve a range of human and environmental health challenges.