Congrats Stuy Parli Debate! Now top ranked on the East Coast!

Congrats Stuy Parli Debate! Now top ranked on the East Coast!

Stuyvesant Parli debate team sent six debaters, including two novices, to the Berkeley High School Invitational, a tournament attended by teams from across the world. Congratulations to Julian Huang (‘24) and Julia Amiri (‘23) for being 1st and 2nd ranked Junior Varsity speakers! Also, congratulations to Henry Bansbach (‘23) and Isaac Houts (‘23) for reaching Open division Octofinals! This tournament, they debated everything from whether we should ban in-app purchases in video games to whether Batman should abandon his no killing rule.

Stuyvesant Parli sent 11 debaters, including 4 novices, to the New York Parliamentary Debate League (NYPDL) February Invitational, a tournament attended by teams from across the United States. Congratulations to Adrian Turkdjiev (‘25) for being 2nd ranked Novice Speaker, and Everett Torrey (‘25) for being 15th ranked overall speaker, and Hannah Riegel (‘23) for being 14th ranked overall speaker! Huge Congrats to Adrian and Everett for being Novice champions, and Hannah and Molly Carroll Thompson not just for winning the tournament, but for being now the #2 ranked team nationally!

Stuyvesant is also now the top ranked school on the East Coast. Congrats to all!