Congrats to Stuy on Japan Bowl 2024!

Congrats to Stuy on Japan Bowl 2024!

Ms. Chie Helinski shares results from the 2024 Japan Bowl competition! Congratulations to all our Japanese language participants on their success!

Level 2: Serena Louie (captain), Kayla Wang, and Angelina Weng placed 4th.

Level 3: Collin Liang (captain), Fiona Li, and Orrick Pun took the 1st place. This their second win in a row.

Level 4: Alice Wang (captain), Isabella Chen, and Sherry Zhou placed 3rd.

There were cultural workshops as well as a teacher's network workshop. On Saturday, they went to Washington, DC and spent time at the Natural History Museum and the War Memorial before heading back home.

So proud of all our students!

See a full size photo collage here.