Class period attendance now visible on Jupiter!

Class period attendance now visible on Jupiter!

Beginning on Monday, May 6, 2024, students and families will be able to access information regarding absences and lateness on their Jupiter Online Gradebook accounts. If you need assistance with your Jupiter account, please reach out to Mr. Lin at

Jupiter will show the date and period when a student is late and/or absent from class. When a date is not listed, a student was marked present. If you have any questions regarding the attendance listed, please contact the teacher using our staff email list. You may navigate to the attendance view by clicking “Attendance” from the side bar in your account.

NOTE: Only teachers may amend the attendance they entered in Jupiter. The attendance office cannot amend attendance in Jupiter. You must contact the teacher regarding period attendance.

Attendance on Jupiter reflects attendance for each period (class) only. Daily attendance, which differs from period attendance, is available on the MySchools account. Only daily attendance is noted on report cards and permanent records. However, attendance is not part of the transcript that colleges receive.