Bake Sale for Medical Supplies for Ukraine 05/24 - 05/25

Bake Sale for Medical Supplies for Ukraine 05/24 - 05/25

The Ukrainian Aid Committee is hosting a bake sale of Eastern European sweets and pastries in order to collect funding for essential medical supplies for Ukraine. The current war in Ukraine is draining resources for first aid supplies and is causing supply shortages in health care. Funds gained from this sale will be contributed to the purchasing of first aid kits and supplies for quick wound care. Packaged supplies will be sent directly to Ukrainian medical facilities. The sale will be held on May 24th & May 25th from 4th period to 4:00 pm in front of room 211. Make sure to bring cash to purchase goods or simply to donate to help the cause!

Special thanks to the Parent's Association for supervision of this bake sale!

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