Applying to Oxford parent webinars in May 2024

Applying to Oxford parent webinars in May 2024

Registration is now open for our upcoming webinars; one of which is aimed at parents and will run on a Saturday, while the other is for students.

In our student webinar, Applying to Oxford: A look at Oxford colleges, our admissions staff will showcase the tools and resources that your students can use to explore the range of Oxford colleges.

Student webinar

Session Title:

Applying to Oxford: A look at Oxford Colleges


Wednesday 1st May 2024

Start Time

End Time

Link to Register

10:00 (BST)

11:15 (BST)

Click here to register (AM)

16:00 (BST)

17:15 (BST)

Click here to register (PM)

Our webinar for parents (and students if they wish), Applying to Oxford: Supporting international students away from home, will explore the process of applying to Oxford University and provide guidance on how the University supports international students from application to graduation.

Session Title:

Applying to Oxford: Supporting international students living away from home


Saturday, 4th May 2024

Start Time

End Time

Link to Register

10:00 (BST)

11:15 (BST)

Click here to register (AM)

16:00 (BST)

17:15 (BST)

Click here to register (PM)