Apply for the Creative Arts Initiative 2022-23 @ Stuy

Apply for the Creative Arts Initiative 2022-23 @ Stuy

Have a creative project idea? In need of nourishing your creative practice? Desire creating art to support your college applications, build portfolios, and/ or apply for scholarships? Apply for a Creative Arts microgrant! Stuyvesant Alum Raymond Lee offers $50 microgrants for students in need of financial support to carry out independent creative project(s) during the school year. Projects produced with the funds will be part of an end-of-the-year showcase in June or in the fall of the coming school year.  Check out

How do you apply?

Provide a 3-4 sentence project description of how the funds will assist in the making of your creative project. Submit your project description to one of the art teachers - Ms. Leo, Mr. Wrigley, Ms. Karp or Ms. Chu - by Friday, January 6, 2023, and you will hear back by Tuesday, January 31, 2023. When granted, use the funds as needed, enjoy the making of your project, request technical help and feedback from art teachers as needed, and then submit your project for the end-of-the-year showcase in June or in the fall of the coming school year.