Applerouth September College Tips for all grades!

Applerouth September College Tips for all grades!

Senior Tip

Reach the peak the way that’s best for you: be aware of test-optional policies and testing dates to maximize your admissions chances.It’s no secret that testing has been difficult for this year’s seniors, but things are beginning to look up! The SAT and ACT will have expanded testing opportunities this fall, and both testing agencies are trying to work with seniors who still need to test for college applications. While things feel very uncertain, remember that test-optional policies will be available this year if testing does not work as planned. If you’re looking for some guidance, Dr. Jed Applerouth shared some wisdom regarding fall SAT and ACT testing timelinesand how to craft a plan.Learn more

Junior Tip

Don’t plateau now! Power through the PSAT with our PSAT Prep Rally.Most students tackle their most challenging courses in junior year, and that’s not the only challenge waiting for you. In your junior year, the PSAT doubles as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, and doing well on this test can open up scholarship doors for you at schools all over the country. That’s why we’re kicking off the school year with free online strategy sessions and full-length PSAT/NMSQT practice tests at our PSAT Prep Rally. Get high-level strategies, test day tips, and know how you'll score with a detailed report with all your stats.Learn more

Sophomore Tip

Find the trail markers - start thinking about your college admissions journey.As a sophomore, you’ve got some time before you need to seriously plan for SAT or ACT. That’s a good thing! There’s no need to stress, but it’s not a bad idea to get familiar with the tests. Our Back-to-School Bookshelf is a great place to start, which includes our SAT vs. ACT comparison guide and other free resources. If you’d like to take a deeper dive into the college admissions process, join us for one of our upcoming webinars on Navigating the College Admissions Process where we will guide you through the various factors of college admissions and answer your questions.Learn more

Freshman Tip

Make sure you’ve got your survival kit packed: start building the skills you need to succeed!You’re a high-schooler now, and your life is going to be completely different than it was when you were in middle school. What’s more, learning in 2020 is completely new territory for teachers and students. If you're worried that you might get lost in the transition to high school, Applerouth can help bridge the gap. We provide online and in-person targeted tutoring and comprehensive, scholastic support. Don’t worry about college right now: this semester is all about getting organized and getting used to life as a high-schooler. Check out these key skills you’ll need to start your high school career on a high note.Learn more