ALL - Return Military Opt Out form to Room 103

ALL - Return Military Opt Out form to Room 103

In accordance with Chancellor's Regulation A-825, schools must distribute the military recruiting opt-out letter to the parents of all students in grades 9–12 . Opt-out forms were also included in the orientation/Camp Stuy parent folder for every new incoming student. Parents of students who are younger than 18 years of age can opt out of releasing information to military recruiters who request this information. Students have the right to make this decision once they turn 18.      

Parents/guardians can use their New York City Schools (NYCSA) Account to complete the opt-out form using the Forms Module. This option eliminates the need for manual data-entry by the school as NYCSA opt-out data will be automatically migrated to our systems.

Alternatively, the paper form can be downloaded in many languages and returned to Mr. Moran in room 103. Access theform here.