3 Stuy Juniors help seniors get vaccinated - join HelpUsVaxin8

3 Stuy Juniors help seniors get vaccinated - join HelpUsVaxin8

Three juniora, Maliha Rafia, Kripamoye Biswas and Fatima Bagom, are working on a project with the Robinhood Foundation (RHF) to help get 1000 seniors in the Bayridge area vaccinated. Their organization is called HelpUsVaxin8. 

There is a requirement for volunteers to contact seniors and arrange for appointments and transportation.

See these links for the flyer and/or to volunteer!

Flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yoe8wD6Ozkp6xDjEji9FCPwdW62jRuiw/view?usp=sharing

Recruitment Form: https://forms.gle/x1dRxbM9rQ5371yNA