2024 Junior College Fair at Stuy - May 2, 2024!

2024 Junior College Fair at Stuy - May 2, 2024!

Stuyvesant High School’s annual college fair for Junior families ONLY will take place on the evening of Thursday, May 2…which is right after spring break!  This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about a host of institutions from across the US and beyond, and to connect with their representatives. We hope that all juniors and parents will attend. 

In an effort to get an accurate read on the number of attendees we can expect at the fair we ask all eleventh grade students to complete the short survey form below.  Only one response is needed per junior family. Each response should include the student’s OSIS number.

College Fair Attendee RSVP Form

Please read these important logistical details about the fair:

·         The doors will open to attendees just before 6:00pm 

·         The event will begin at 6:05pm with a brief but important presentation in the theater for junior parents conducted by Jeffrey Makris, Stuyvesant’s Director of College Counseling

·         Students/parents will not be permitted to gather outside of classrooms or the library prior to 6:30pm so that our college representatives have time to situate themselves in their designated spaces.  Families who do not wish to attend the opening presentation should therefore plan to arrive at Stuy closer to 6:30pm

·         Please remember that the evening will be broken down in to five sessions; if a college or university session is too crowded, visit another institution and return for a later session, as those tend to be less crowded. You can also engage any college through virtual events.

·         The list of attending colleges and program for the evening is posted on our website.